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Leweston News: Prep School (4)

6 Leweston Team wins at Show Jumping Competition

Congratulations to everyone on securing six team victories! Their exceptional riding skills were...

Leweston Prep welcomes 2024 new joiners for transition sessions

Our September 2024 starters had a great time joining Reception Class for a fun morning of stories,...

Leweston Pentathlon Easter Camp

Athletes of all levels, from beginners to elite competitors, are welcomed at the Camps. With a team...

Prep 5 Visit Kew Gardens

During their visit, our group toured the Princess of Wales Conservatory, the Palm House and the...

Dinosaur Workshop Comes to Leweston Prep

Prep 1 and Prep 4 both had sessions with the workshop in the Padua Hall, discovering various...

Prep 3 Visit Dorset Museum

Some of the pupils' highlights from their visit include: becoming archaeologists and taking part in...

Prep 5 STEM Morning

The children were challenged to design, cost and build a protective capsule to protect an egg when...

NSPCC Number Day at Leweston Prep

Prep 2's focus this year has been to use Maths vocabulary accurately and confidently. On Friday,...