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Leweston Blog

Thoughts from the staff, pupils and alumni of Leweston School.

The Leweston Learner and Sixth Form

All students are encouraged to develop skills against five key characteristics: 

Why Study an EPQ at Sixth Form?

What is the EPQ?

The EPQ is a standalone qualification with significant UCAS value. It is highly...

How you can support a Leweston Learner mindset at home

  1. Familiarise yourself with and use the language of the five characteristic definitions when...

Value Added in Sixth Form

We understand that improvement in our students’ achievements isn’t just down to academic ability,...

Why fundraising in school is important?

Whilst, as fellow parents, we recognise that the letter home telling your child to wear red, bring...

So you’ve got to have faith

With all due regard to the danger of starting yet another article or letter with phrases such as...

Is private school worth the investment?

There are a number of benefits to private school some of which include:

Our values in action


Community at Leweston means being part of something bigger than ourselves. It’s essential...

Getting ready for big school

Our top tips fit neatly into four areas; physical, mental, social and emotional.

The value of a Pre-Prep education

Size and facilities

As Pre-Prep is typically part of a wider Prep school this enables pupils to...