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Leweston Blog

Thoughts from the staff, pupils and alumni of Leweston School.

What type of boarding - full, weekly or flexi?

For many years ‘boarding’ meant sending your children off to school at the beginning of term and...

Value added – what is it and why do we care?

Every year as our Year 13 leavers depart, a new group of fresh-faced Year 7 pupils join us. These...

SATS Free Zone

After an extensive career in primary teaching, I am certainly not alone in questioning the true...

Top 10 positives of outdoor school

1. Better concentration and engagement

If pupils spend their time looking out of the window why...

What are the benefits of boarding?

There are however a number of proven advantages to boarding, some obvious and others less so. We...

The advantages of an all-through education

Through-schools are those which combine different stages of a child’s education on a single campus....

Should I apply for a scholarship?

At this time of year, regardless of all else that is happening in the world, there will be many...