Leweston News: Sixth Form (2)
Careers Advice | Insights on Higher Level Degree Apprenticeships
We are incredibly grateful to Hazel Niederlag from the global finance firm Forvis Mazars for...
Charity Hockey Festival Raises Over £1000 for Julia's House
"On Sunday 6 October, Leweston got together for a Charity Hockey Festival in support of local...
Year 13 Biology Students Explore Crop Rotation and Wildlife Conservation
On Friday, 13 September, Year 13 Biology students embarked on an educational field trip where they...
Brilliant Results and Exciting Futures: Leweston Celebrates A Level Results
Amongst this cohort are Eleanor S with 4 A*s, Charlie H with 2 A*s and 2 As, and Serena M and...
Year 13 Leavers' Ball
The space was beautifully decorated with festoon lights, creating the perfect ambiance for the...
Year 13 Leavers' Tea and Mass
Students, staff and family then came together for the Leaver's Mass and Gowning Ceremony held in...
Senior School Speech Day
We heard inspiring and insightful speeches from Headmaster, Mr John Paget-Tomlinson, Chair of...
Good Schools Guide Reviews Leweston
We are delighted to share their review which, we feel, has recognised the aspects of a Leweston...
Leweston Dragon Boaters Emerge Triumphant Again
In the Senior category our teacher/parent yellow team, 'The Leweston Leviathans', nobly led by team...