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Leweston News: Senior School (5)

Academic Enrichment in the Spring Term

Our students have continued to enjoy a range of academic enrichment activities. Alongside subject...

Leweston Ski Trip

During their time there, the advanced group went on a tour of the mountain range, enhancing their...

Leweston Senior School Retreat

The day began with the celebration of Mass, followed by the ‘Big Lent Walk’ for CAFOD. The theme...

Leweston Voices Podcast with Honor and Mr P-T | A discussion on the School trip to Nepal

Last October, a group of Leweston students travelled to our sister school in Nepal, Jana Jyoti,...

Leweston students leave audiences mesmerised in their production of Les Misérables

As well as relying on the enthusiasm of the pupils, Les Misérables, took an enormous level of...

U16 and U14 hockey teams qualify for regional hockey tournaments

U14The U14 Boys qualified for the South West Regional Hockey tournament at Millfield on 27 February...

STEM Army day at Leweston

In the morning, Year 9 students designed, built and presented their rocket cars. They all did...

Academic Enrichment Groups Continue to Flourish

During this half term, Rhetoric pupils in Years 7 to 9 attended an informative and interesting...