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Leweston Blog

Thoughts from the staff, pupils and alumni of Leweston School.

Why experiential learning matters

Our regular WOW days bring the term's topic to life as pupils spend a day as vikings, refugees or...

10 Things Parents Love about Leweston

1. Joining the family

"Leweston is close knit supportive community that welcomes people into its...

'Freedom of Expression' | An Academic Enrichment Thought-Piece

Rhetoric, an academic enrichment activity for Years 7 to 9 undertook a series of team building...

A healthy sense of competition – supporting children who always want to be first

It’s fairly common for children to go through a phase of needing to be first or best at everything....

Top 10 benefits of learning a musical instrument

  1. Cognitive development: Learning to play an instrument involves memorising music, which can...

Top tips for results day

  1. Stay Calm: Results day can be stressful, but try to stay calm. Remember results don't define...

Preparing your child for their first residential

Positive Conversations

Talk positively to your child. Discuss the things they will enjoy on their...

5 reasons to study creative subjects

Over the last few years numbers taking creative GCSEs have plateaued, and gone down at A Level but...

Nurturing critical thought: the foundation of a forward-thinking Prep curriculum

By nurturing this fundamental skill, we empower students to analyse, question, and evaluate...

Preparing for the Move from Pre-Prep to Prep School

Encourage Independence and Self-Responsibility

Prep School life will require the pupils to take on...