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Leweston Blog

Thoughts from the staff, pupils and alumni of Leweston School.

Building Resilience through Forest School

Resilience is cultivated through a child's exposure to various challenges and experiences, shaping...

From the Head's Desk - February

I am sure there isn’t a single one of you that hasn’t written something they later regret. We know...

The link between creativity and brain development in children

Creativity, defined as the ability to generate novel and valuable ideas, plays a crucial role in...

Benefits of Drama for young children

Movement and Coordination

Young children love to dance. By blending movement and music they learn...

Six ways sport can develop life skills

1. Teamwork

It may seem like a given, but the significance of teamwork cannot be overstated. Your...

The importance of physical activity and mental health

Being physically active means moving your body and working your muscles: such as walking, running,...

What does a Business BTEC assignment look like?

Studying BTEC Business offers several benefits for A Level students. Firstly, it provides a more...

From the Head's Desk - January

As many of you will be aware I have a dog called Arthur. Arthur is extremely keen on many things,...

The Importance of Sewing as a Skill: 10 Reasons Why You Should Learn

At Leweston, Art and Design is a popular subject choice, with many students studying some form of...

Leweston Prep Buddy Programme: The Power of Peer Mentoring

What is the Prep Buddies Programme and how does it work?

The programme pairs Prep 6 students with...