This ritual signifies the end of their time at Leweston and serves as a memorable way to celebrate...
"Last week our year group went on a memorable trip to Avallon, a French town in Yonne,...
They also shared campfire stories, songs and riddles and competed in 'tents got talent', which saw...
Their first stop was the Eden Project, where they photographed the biodomes and ascended to the top...
We are delighted to share their review which, we feel, has recognised the aspects of a Leweston...
In the Senior category our teacher/parent yellow team, 'The Leweston Leviathans', nobly led by team...
As an added part of the adventure, the groups had to negotiate the coastal terrain with hundreds of...
Muddy Stilettos said of our Prep School:
The school is delighted to welcome Sophie Underwood as the new teacher of the Equine Management...
One by one students transformed the cross, a reminder of Jesus’ death, with beautiful flowers...