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The Leweston Learner Diploma

Across all ages Leweston shares an educational approach that underpins every aspect of teaching and learning in the school. The Leweston Learner helps our students develop an attitude to learning they can apply across the curriculum, as well as in the wider world. From Prep 5 to Year 8 pupils reflect on the work that they have done to develop the five key characteristics in the Leweston Learner Diploma.

The Leweston Learner is a is a learning philosophy, not a curriculum with particular content. Whilst the programme was developed independently, it was been inspired by academic research into ‘High Performance Learning’(HPL). This approach recognises that all students have the potential to achieve good results and emphasises the attitudes and performance characteristics required for this to happen. Effectively we are teaching our students 'how to learn' and providing them with a toolbox they can draw from both at school and in the workplace.

Modern employers increasingly seek out individuals with transferable and 'soft' skills. The Learner programme encourages the development of a number of these including complex problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, adaptability, negotiation and cognitive flexibility. This is summarised in five key characteristics:

The Leweston Learner encourages pupils to develop skills against five key characteristics: 

  • Confident
  • Inquisitive
  • Adventurous
  • Resilient
  • Creative
The Diploma

The Diploma helps pupils to reflect on their personal development in lessons, through extra-curricular activities and in their hobbies and interests.

The Diploma is awarded at either Bronze, Silver or Gold levels and the individual pupil can choose which of the levels they would like to assessed for.

During the last week of each term, instead of receiving homework, pupils collate evidence for their Diploma by uploading photos and examples of what they have done. Information and ideas of what could be used are provided but pupils are encouraged to think of their own too.

At the end of Year 8 pupils review all of their evidence and decide what to submit. Those who wish to achieve Silver and Gold awards are expected to give a presentation, for Gold applications this has to be a member of the Senior Leadership Team which could include the Headmaster, Deputy and Assistant Heads and the Director of Communications. Pupils who are receive Gold awards also share their presentations with pupils in the Prep School to inspire them in their own preparation. 

Those pupils who join Leweston in Year 7 have ample opportunity to collect evidence for their Diploma and are able to apply for all levels of the award. 

The Learner in the Classroom

Away from the Diploma the Learner is embedded in all aspects of learning. Reports and rewards focus on the Learner characteristics in order to encourage students to develop these important attributes and to see how and where they are impacting on the learning and behaviour. Students receive positive feedback for displaying high levels of perseverance; willingness to take a risk and eagerness to seek out challenge, not just for good test results. Pupils are encouraged to regularly reflect on their work and teachers indicate to pupils work done well and room for improvement and growth. 

If you would like to find out more about the Leweston Learner or the Diploma contact June Smith on