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Leweston Blog: senior academic

From the Head's Desk - January

As many of you will be aware I have a dog called Arthur. Arthur is extremely keen on many things,...

Why experiential learning matters

Our regular WOW days bring the term's topic to life as pupils spend a day as vikings, refugees or...

10 Things Parents Love about Leweston

1. Joining the family

"Leweston is close knit supportive community that welcomes people into its...

'Freedom of Expression' | An Academic Enrichment Thought-Piece

Rhetoric, an academic enrichment activity for Years 7 to 9 undertook a series of team building...

Top tips for results day

  1. Stay Calm: Results day can be stressful, but try to stay calm. Remember results don't define...

The Leweston Learner Diploma

The Leweston Learner is a is a learning philosophy, not a curriculum with particular content....

What Careers will Maths help me get into?

When will I ever use this in life’?  –A phrase commonly heard by a Maths teacher!

How you can support a Leweston Learner mindset at home

  1. Familiarise yourself with and use the language of the five characteristic definitions when...

Finding the right course at Sixth Form

Many students find it hard to pick which subjects to continue, or start, in Sixth Form. The...

Value added – what is it and why do we care?

Every year as our Year 13 leavers depart, a new group of fresh-faced Year 7 pupils join us. These...