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Leweston Blog: senior well being

Improving Adolescent Mental Health: Leweston joins the BrainWaves initiative

Today’s young people face difficult mental health challenges in a world full of conflicting,...

From the Head's Desk - March

I am sure that like me you have been brought up by your parents or guardians well. For me this...

From the Head's Desk - February

I am sure there isn’t a single one of you that hasn’t written something they later regret. We know...

How parents can support transition to Senior School

What you can do to help?
  • Accept that it is normal and acceptable to feel anxious as a parent or...

Why fundraising in school is important?

Whilst, as fellow parents, we recognise that the letter home telling your child to wear red, bring...

So you’ve got to have faith

With all due regard to the danger of starting yet another article or letter with phrases such as...

Our values in action


Community at Leweston means being part of something bigger than ourselves. It’s essential...

Introduction to the Houses

For generations of children the word ‘House’ means quidditch, striped scarves and a talking hat but...

Supporting the Year 9 transition

Joining from Prep School

Year 9 is a big deal. Whilst Leweston Senior School starts at Year 7, for...

Value added – what is it and why do we care?

Every year as our Year 13 leavers depart, a new group of fresh-faced Year 7 pupils join us. These...