Our values in action

Community at Leweston means being part of something bigger than ourselves. It’s essential for every pupil to feel that they are an important part of the Leweston family and contribute to the life of the school. This same sense is extended to their parents and guardians as well as the staff.
The strong integration between day pupils and boarders, prep, senior and sixth form ensures that the oldest pupils form relationships with the youngest. The House system encourages a sense of belonging and provides the opportunity for pupils to work with, and get to know, those in other year groups. House activities ensure pupils feel supported by their peers from the start.
The extensive fundraising programme, lessons in social responsibility and community service encourage pupils to think of others. They learn from a very young age that they have an ability to empower change and help those around them. The programme also introduces important life skills which include goal-setting, planning, accountability, teamwork, leadership and physical activity.
Pupils in Years 6 and 13 take on leadership roles in their respective schools. They act as buddies and peer mentors to new starters, Prefects, House Captains and School Council representatives ensuring that the pupil voice is heard and contributes to the development of the community.
Opportunity is in abundance. We are proud of our zest for life and work hard to instil a willingness in all pupils to try everything. They are taught not to fear failure but regard it as a learning experience. This discovery of strength and weaknesses, and the support we provide to pupils in exploring it, enables them to develop the determination to persevere – a real lesson in preparation for life beyond the school.
Leweston has no set pathway for its pupils, when asked what 'type' of pupil does well the answer is that there isn't one type. We embrace a wide diversity of personalities, interests, backgrounds and approaches to life. Our pupils have an impressive range of interests and talents, both academic and otherwise. We send a number of candidates to highly selective universities every year but are equally proud of those who follow a vocational path or exceed their own ambitions. We have a significant number of elite athletes who compete at a regional, national and international level but we encourage all pupils to have a positive attitude to their physical and mental health. We have pupils achieving Grade 8 distinction of a plethora of different instruments but we welcome anyone into our orchestras, bands, choirs and ensembles who wants to make music. What is most important is the willingness to embrace opportunity, have a go and not worry too much about the outcome.
Expertise means having an expert skill or knowledge in a particular field. We have an exceptionally talented staff team, who have outstanding expertise and enthusiasm to inspire in others a love of learning and to share their passion for areas of specialism. The essence of teaching involves making complex ideas more accessible to those with less understanding and we pride ourselves on our ability to communicate with a diverse range of pupils.
Learning at Leweston is flexible and is adapted to the needs of all pupils providing high quality, differentiated teaching in class. For those that need additional support or extension specialist teachers are responsible for providing a range of opportunities. The Academic Extension Programme is open to all those that show promise and interest. The Individual Needs Department offers monthly clinics and supervised study periods as well as support with literacy, numeracy and study skills, revision strategies, understanding learning styles, essay planning, exam technique, spelling and note taking.
The independence, willingness to try and resilience these values instil means that Leweston pupils go into the world with the confidence to achieve. They have the ability to adapt, to work alongside different people in new environments and to embrace the one constant in life - change. Past pupils are now business leaders, entrepreneurs, engineers, pilots, conservationists, film-makers, medics, charity workers on the frontline or in disaster relief, architects, artists, authors, lawyers, designers, world record breaking rowers, politicians and even teachers.
If you would like to visit us to meet some of these future leaders please contact June Smith, our Registrar, on 01963 211015 or admissions@leweston.dorset.sch.uk