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NSPCC Number Day at Leweston Prep

Leweston Prep pupils had a fantastic time celebrating NSPCC Number Day on Friday 2 February.

Prep 2's focus this year has been to use Maths vocabulary accurately and confidently. On Friday, the class achieved this and had great fun with numbers, including number raps!

Meanwhile, Prep 4 went outside to get some practical experience of ordering, estimating, converting and measuring (reading scales), tying in with their week's work on 'Measuring Length'.

Prep 5 celebrated Number Day by firstly thinking of all the jobs that involve Maths in order to understand the importance of this subject. They then worked in pairs to complete a maths challenge, in which they had to solve four clues to find out who was the key holder to the cupboard! Everyone worked brilliantly together to also create human numbers.

Everyone put on a super effort with their number outfits, and raising funds for the very important charity, NSPCC. It was a brilliant day and a great opportunity to apply maths skills to everyday scenarios whilst raising awareness for a very importance cause.


NSPCC Number Day | Leweston Prep