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Prep 1 WOW Day | Heroes and Villains

Prep 1 had an exciting start to their new topic, ‘Heroes and Villains’, with a WOW day! The children came into School wearing hero costumes, including popular characters like Spider-Man and Superman, as well as real-life heroes like doctors and nurses, which was a great way to engage them and set the tone for the topic.

The activities on the WOW day, such as making Captain America shields, writing about their real-life heroes, and making spider biscuits, were both fun and educational. These activities were a fantastic way to help the students connect with the theme and spark their creativity and imagination.

Exploring the concept of heroes and villains helps to learn about values, ethics, and the importance of heroism in different forms. It was an exciting and interactive way to kick off this topic and continue to foster a love for learning in the students.


Prep 1 WOW Day