As Pre-Prep is typically part of a wider Prep school this enables pupils to share the school’s facilities. This gives younger children access to fantastic facilities that would not necessarily be available to these year groups elsewhere.
Leweston Pre-Prep shares the beautiful 46 acre Dorset campus with Leweston Prep and Senior School meaning that the children can use facilities such has the 25 metre swimming pool (where they have swimming lessons every week), sports hall, tennis courts, music school, and art and design centre without having to leave the safety and familiarity of the campus. Specialist staff from both Leweston Prep and Senior School, in fields such as Languages, Music, Art, Drama and Sport give the Pre-Prep children classes, extending and enriching their learning.
Of course, the Pre-Prep also enjoys its own space with a dedicated garden and play area.
A huge benefit of independent schools, like Leweston, which have a Pre-Prep, Prep School and Senior School is that the children experience a consistency in their education from the very beginning. The transition points between stages of the school are gentle but robust, with the children developing a familiarity with classrooms and teachers before they join them. This creates a sense of community through the whole school from the youngest child to the oldest.
Pre-Prep schools tend to have a focus on outdoor education, and Leweston is no different. We have a specialist Forest School in our Enchanted Wood as well as extensive outdoor areas offering the opportunity to explore different habitats. The Pre-Prep children get outside daily whatever the weather.
Independent schools have a greater amount of flexibility in their curriculums because they do not have to follow the national curriculum. At Leweston Pre-Prep, the Reception class follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. Learning is led by the children’s interests, which is then woven into the curriculum, covering science, maths and literacy. In Years 1 and 2 pupils follow our topic driven curriculum exploring themes such xxxx as as well as the five characteristics of the Leweston Learner: Confident, Adventurous, Creative, Resilient and Inquisitive.
Topics are enhanced by visitors coming into the school and classes take regular trips out.
Wrap around care is a vital resource for busy families, allowing children to stay at school for longer, take part in clubs and activities and, if needed, eat some of their meals at school. Pre-Prep children can be dropped off for breakfast club at 7.30am prior to the start of the school day at 8.00am. From 4.20pm when school ends, the children have a choice of co-curricular clubs with final pick up at 5.45pm.
The daily school run can be eased by our fleet of minibuses which cover 11 different routes to and from school. Pupils from Reception upwards can use school transport with bookings taken on a per trip basis rather than a termly commitment. All trips are covered by the schools own minibuses and drivers who build relationships with the children, and parents, who regularly use their route.
At Leweston Pre-Prep, we place great importance on the connection between the school and our pupil’s families. Teachers interact with parents every day at drop off and pick up and throughout the year, families are invited to attend a range of productions and performances. Teachers also use Tapestry, a secure online platform, to share photos, videos and notes about what the children have been doing directly with parents.
At Leweston Pre-Prep, every year group takes part in fundraising activities which are linked with the children’s learning and even the youngest pupils are encouraged to contribute their own ideas. The school takes part in national and international events, such as Children in Need, Comin Relief and Odd Socks Day. The children have classes and assemblies aimed at helping them to understand what they are doing on these days and the importance of doing it.
The Pre-Prep also teaches the IAPS curriculum for social responsibility which promotes well-being, rights, responsibility, knowledge, skills and opportunities for young people to become valuable and constructive members of society. All pupils have a weekly session covering topics like consumerism, climate change, biodiversity, deforestation, fast fashion and more. Our aim is to develop pupils who, from the very start, are globally aware, care about their world and their role in it and understand the positive impact that they can make.
For more information about Leweston Pre-Prep, contact our Prep Registrar, Amanda Wilson, on 01963 211054 or