Leweston News

Oral Health Week | Nursery and Reception

Written by Leweston Prep, Sherborne, Dorset | Nov 7, 2023 11:28:24 AM

In the Nursery, the Older Babies group each independently used their toothbrush and baby toothpaste to clean their teeth.

The children in Transition 1, Transition 2 and Reception had visits from a Dentist and Dental Nurse. The children were very excited to explore pretend teeth and use the tooth brush to practice how to brush the teeth properly. The Dentist also demonstrated, on her own child, how she examines children's teeth! Everyone listened really well as they were told interesting and helpful facts such as which foods are good and which are bad for teeth.

Lots of other facts were learned during the visit, the children were very interested to learn that they have 22 teeth but will have 32 when as adults, they also were reminded that we need to brush our teeth for at least 2 minutes, twice a day making sure an adult helps and to have a dental visit twice a year. At the end of their visits, everyone was given a certificate and goodie bag containing a tooth brush, tooth paste and colouring pages.

Transition 2 also focused on vocabulary words and practiced writing each of them independently.

These activities helped the children understand the importance of oral hygiene and develop good dental care habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.