Congratulations to Ben (Prep 6), Will and Joe (Prep 5) for their participation in the choir concert at Sherborne Abbey last week. The repertoire included Britten Saint Nicolas, Britten Te Deum in C and Vierne Messe Solennelle.
Lily and Connie (Prep 6) also lend their voices to the Abbey as part of the girls' choir, with Lily recently earning her dark blue medal.
Sherborne Abbey Choir has a long and illustrious tradition dating back centuries. Leading the congregation for services each week, the choir sings a wide range of music, from medieval plainsong to contemporary choral music. The choir offers training programmes where choristers learn to harness their vocal abilities, cultivate healthy singing practices, and master music reading. Additionally, there is an opportunity for music lessons funded by the choir.
It is great to see pupils from Leweston taking this wonderful opportunity.