Leweston News

Leweston Prep Sports Day

Written by Leweston Prep, Sherborne, Dorset | Jun 13, 2024 7:28:30 AM
The morning saw the TC2 and Pre-Prep track and field events such as 300m run, standing long jump, speed bounce, relays and ball throw. We then saw the inaugural 'Prep Buddy' race where Prep 6 students ran to 'collect' their younger 'buddies' to complete the race!  
The afternoon followed with Prep 3 to 6 hurdles, sprinting, long jump, throwing, high jump, long jump and 800m run. A big well done to everyone who took part and huge congratulations to the overall winning House, St Francis, who retain the trophy from 2023!

St Francis – 415

St Anne – 386

St Margaret – 372

St Antony – 300

A further congratulations goes to all of our athletes who have broken existing school records:
Year Group Event Record Holder Record
Prep 1 Tennis Ball Throw Remi R 12.80m
Reception Speed Bounce (20secs) Tallulah D 31
Prep 2 Speed Bounce (20secs) Daisy C 46
Prep 2 75m  Arthur B 13.70secs
Prep Girls Records
Prep 6 Cricket Ball Throw Joanne FL 28.05m
Prep 3 Speed Bounce (20secs) Elena FL 45
Prep 5 100m Lexie C 15.59secs
Prep 6 800m Izzy K 2.36mins
Prep 5 High Jump Isadora P 1.17m
Prep 6 High Jump Darcy N 1.26m
Prep Boys Records
Prep 3 Cricket Ball Throw Wilbur H 29.87m
Prep 4 Cricket Ball Throw Harry P 28.08m
Prep 5 Cricket Ball Throw Isaac N 34.11m
Prep 6 Cricket Ball Throw Dexter SS 38.00m
Prep 6 100m Henry M 15.01secs
Prep 6 800m Henry M 2.56mins