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Leweston School, Sherborne, Dorset |

Staff Spotlight: Careers Advisor

This spotlight features our Careers Advisor, Mrs Susan Hutton. 

Staff Spotlight: Head of Sport

This spotlight features our Head of Sport and Physical Activity, Mr Simon Manning. 

Staff Spotlight: Director of International Students

This spotlight features our Director of International Students, Mrs Holly Kelly-Quick. 

Head's Essay Society: Moral Dilemmas and Thought-Provoking Debates

This half term, we came together to discuss what the most moral decision would be in a ghastly,...

Improving Adolescent Mental Health: Leweston joins the BrainWaves initiative

Today’s young people face difficult mental health challenges in a world full of conflicting,...

Leadership Workshop: Enhancing Skills and Building Confidence

The purpose of the day was to collaborate and learn from one another, as well as from seasoned...

What do EAL classes look like at Leweston?

Engaging in vocabulary games and lively debates on different topics is a common sight in the EAL...

Unleashing the Benefits of Ten Tors for Students

For two consecutive years, Leweston School has proudly assembled a formidable team to tackle the...

Making a Lasting Impact Through the Duke of Edinburgh Award

At Leweston, pupils can enrol on theDuke of Edinburgh Bronze Award at Year 9, Silver at Year 10...

'Freedom of Expression' | An Academic Enrichment Thought-Piece

Rhetoric, an academic enrichment activity for Years 7 to 9 undertook a series of team building...